Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Right.... lol

Ok i have accepted defeat... there is no way im gonan perfect the macarons in the next 3 days so i have decided to make Whoopie pies, Whitechocolate coconut truffles and coloured cupcakes instead... which i will be posting probably on monday after the event!

For the sake of mockery this was my final attempt at the macarons before i finally decided to just not bother...

These dont look like they are gonna turn out too badly...... UNTIL..............................


Instantly failed lol.... OH well!

On monday ill be posting three different Deliscious things so stay tuned for 3 posts. ill take pics of the event also and see if anyone made anything deliscious that needs to be shared.

Till next time, Ill deffinatly work harder!

Enjoy! \(^_^)/


Mary Bergfeld said...

You deserve points for determination and I suspect your macarons were delicious. I found your blog by accident but I'll check back often to see what you've been cookin'. Have a great day...Mary

Bugaboo said...

I'm not familiar with any macaroon other than the coconut macaroon, which doesn't look like this. What are they supposed to be like? Well, points to you for trying at least and like Mary said here, I'm sure yours still tasted good!

Walnuts and Honey said...

Thankyou very much mary, its always ncie when you stumble onto thigs by accident isnt it lol makes it seem that much more of an adventure in my opinion haha.. maybe cause im a bit geeky haha!

@Bugaboo Macarons are like a french fancy version of oreos lol... two biscuits with a frosting centre. But the biscuits are made with almod flour and the filling can be anything really. They are really delicate... and i just dont think i have the knack of them yet lol. One day!! :D


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